Una delle mie foto è finalista nell’ambito della mostra “Women Street Photographers” durante la Biennale FIAP (International Federation of Photographic Art) allo State Historical Museum di Chelyabinsk, Russia, dal 27 Agosto al 27 Settembre 2020. La mostra, curata da Gulnara Samoilova, presenta le opere di 50 artiste internazionali.
One of my pictures is a finalist at the Women Street Photographers Exhibition during FIAP Biennale (International Federation of Photographic Art) at the State Historical Museum, Chelyabinsk, Russia, from August 27th to September 27th, 2020. The exhibition, curated by Gulnara Samoilova, presents work from 50 international women artists.
See the whole story at: https://www.womenstreetphotographers.com/fiap-russia